Islam and Christianity: A Clash of Narratives or a Meeting of Civilizations?


The Crisis of Religious Understanding in the Modern Age

The relationship between religions and history has always been a subject of controversy, shaped by selective interpretations and political and social interests. In his sermon, “From Islam to Christianity in Search of Tolerance and Love,” Dr. Adnan Ibrahim addresses this issue from a deep critical perspective, highlighting the contradictions in how some perceive Islam—often portraying it as a religion of violence and rigidity in contrast to Christianity, which is depicted as a religion of mercy and peace.

But is this perception accurate, or is it merely a reflection of fragmented readings of history and religious texts? How can Islam be reintroduced as it was originally intended, rather than as it has been shaped by historical conflicts and political maneuvers? Dr. Adnan Ibrahim seeks to answer these questions through an in-depth analysis that combines textual study with historical exploration, revealing the selective treatment of religious heritage.

Islam in Its Texts: A Religion of Mercy and Justice

Dr. Adnan Ibrahim begins by examining the foundational texts of Islam, emphasizing that mercy is the central principle of Islamic law. As stated in the Quran, “The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,” and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was described as “a mercy to the worlds,” reflecting the true nature of Islam, which rejects injustice and fanaticism.

He highlights various Quranic verses and prophetic traditions that call for tolerance, such as the hadith: “In every living being with a moist liver, there is a reward,” which extends mercy to both humans and animals. However, the issue lies in reducing Islam to selective texts that serve particular agendas without considering the holistic context of the Islamic message.

History: Between Reality and Politicized Interpretation

One of the major issues Dr. Adnan Ibrahim discusses is the selective reading of religious history. It is easy for some scholars and religious leaders to amplify incidents of violence within Islamic heritage while overlooking crimes committed in the name of other religions.

Dr. Adnan cites the book “The Preaching of Islam” by British orientalist Thomas Arnold, which affirms that Islam spread in many regions due to its justice rather than by force. He compares this to the history of Christianity in the Middle Ages, where it sometimes spread through coercion, especially during the Inquisitions and the religious wars between Catholics and Protestants.

He also discusses how the Ottoman Empire practiced remarkable tolerance compared to the religious persecution that prevailed in Europe, allowing various religious sects to practice their rituals freely. This comparison highlights how history can serve as evidence that tolerance and coexistence are not exclusive to a particular religion but depend on the true understanding of the divine message.

Islam in Reality: The Gap Between Principles and Practice

Dr. Adnan points out that one of the challenges facing Islam today is the vast gap between its principles as outlined in its texts and how they are implemented in reality. While the texts emphasize mercy and justice, some practices attributed to Islam exhibit cruelty and rigidity.

This is due to various factors, including cultural and social influences, misinterpretations of heritage, and the political exploitation of religion. This necessitates a return to the fundamental sources to understand Islam away from the distortions that have tainted it throughout history.

Towards a Comprehensive Review of Religious Understanding

In concluding his analysis, Dr. Adnan Ibrahim calls for a radical reassessment of religious thought, based on rereading texts in their proper contexts and understanding the historical transformations that have influenced their interpretations. He also stresses the importance of presenting Islam in a way that reflects its true values, rather than the distorted image painted by its adversaries or by some of its followers who have misunderstood it.

Studying Islam with a scientific, rational approach and being open to the study of other religions through fair comparisons is the only way to comprehend the essence of the divine message. Here, the role of intellectuals and scholars becomes crucial in correcting misconceptions and restoring Islam’s enlightened image—one built on mercy, tolerance, and justice, far from extremism and political exploitation.

With this vision, revisiting heritage is not merely an intellectual choice but an urgent necessity for a future that fosters genuine coexistence between religions and cultures.


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